Tuesday, January 10, 2023

 Still a little shell-shocked. On Sunday, just felt like taking it easy. On TCM, the 1937 A STAR IS BORN was on, and instead of going to the gym, sat and watched it. And it was followed by I REMEMBER MAMA, an old favorite. Then i just went to the grocery store (Key Food) and got things for dinner, and waited for the evening line-up on PBS: MISS SCARLET AND THE DUKE, ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL, and VIENNA BLOOD, all series now in their third seasons, and all series which Larry and i watched together.

I can't help it: i miss him so much! After 50 years, it's hard to be by myself, watching TV without him in the same room, and talking to him about it. Have to say, was pleasantly surprised with MISS SCARLET AND THE DUKE, it seems to be developing nicely and the mix between the mystery and the personal interactions is striking a good balance. ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL was (as always) charming, but it seemed a little forced and underpopulated. There were a little too many small mishaps to potentially throw the wedding off. And the wedding itself seemed curiously underpopulated. In a rural farming community, you'd think that most of the town would show up for the wedding of one of the local vets, since he is so crucial to the well-being of the village. But aside from the "family", there was no one else at the wedding. Larry would have remarked on the oddity of that (was it due to Covid restrictions?). And this season's VIENNA BLOOD seems to be a little more focused in terms of the case being investigated. But there i was, watching these shows without him.


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