Monday, April 17, 2006

Just so much stuff to write about. But always in a rush.

Friday, didn't go to any of the Tribeca screenings; instead, spent time with Larry and family. Saturday, a lot of interesting items in the NY Times: article about how MFA programs are becoming baby mills for galleries (article by Carol Vogel; given FRONT PAGE treatment no less!), then a boldface article on Baird Jones (on the front page of the Metro Section, no less), then an article about the Stravinsky tribute at Dance Theater Workshop organized by Annie B Parsons, and how she wanted to find a choreographer whose impact would be as startling and revolutionary as Stravinsky's was in his time, so she decided to go with... Yvonne Rainer! I mean: a woman who (basically) retired from choreography in 1973! In the article, Yvonne says something funny: how her "manifesto" from 1965 has come to haunt her. (That's why i NEVER was so stupid as to write anything like a "manifesto": i didn't want to be forced to have my work looked at in a specific way... but what happened was that critics assumed that i was an idiot who unintentionally had all these references in my work, since i wasn't white, i couldn't actually have read these things - when "The Dialectic of Enlightenment" was reviewed in The Village Voice, the guy decided that it must have been some sort of fluke for me to use the title of a book by Adorno and Horkheimer, a stupid Chinaman couldn't have actually READ "theory", so people assumed that i couldn't have been intentionally theoretical and "intellectual" in my approach. So there's the dilemma: publish a manifesto, and it comes back to haunt you because so many critics aren't capable of actually extending their imagination, or don't publish a manifesto, and critics assume you're an idiot who unintentionally references theory.) A lot of film reviews, everyone seems to be reviewing "The Notorious Betty Page" but so far the one person who hasn't made a comment is David Noh: when i first met David Noh, he was working at Movie Star News, which was run by Paula Klaw. In the 1960s and 1970s, in NYC, to get movie stills, there were a few places: Cinemabilia, The Memory Shop, Movie Star News. And (of course) i would go in with the most arcane requests ("Do you have any stills of Carole Lombard in "Big News" the Gregory LaCava film from 1929?") and David would always try to help me find it ("Wasn't the costar Robert Armstrong? Maybe we have a still in his file"); i don't notice anyone asking David about Paula.

But that's the thing: in all of this current memorializing of the past, it's always at a remove. It's never from people who actually knew the people, etc.

Somehow, it didn't seem like Easter: the usual "Easter movies" weren't on TV. I mean: Channel 13 played "The Barefoot Contessa" and "The Strange Love of Martha Ivers", not exactly movies i would consider Easter fare.

But have thought a lot about those articles, and info online about the state of nonprofit media organizations. Just got an e.mail from Diana Lee: ACV is another organization facing a crisis.

As Kenny would say, "It was inevitable."


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