Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It took a week, but finally had the WiFi link installed in my place here in Berlin; for the most part, have been using the computer supplied by the International Research Center for my office. Well, finally feel human. Strange how things like that can really affect you: we've become so accustomed to our electronic universe!

But it's a busy week here, and with more to come.

In the New York Times, there was an article by Stephen Farber about the BAM series 1962; this prompted Joe Baltake to make a list of notable releases of 1962 in the US. There are so many vagaries: Antonioni's "L'Eclisse" came almost as soon as it was released in Europe, but "Il Grido" finally made it here after half a decade. And so on. To check out Joe's list, go to and see what else wound up in the US in 1962.

Anyway, that's it for now. Have to get ready for a busy day tomorrow at the International Research Center.


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